Wednesday, December 3, 2008

rally on december 3 (sorry this post is late but i am sure we would need a lot more than one rally to bring about change)

Dear Friends,

My heart bleeds in remorse over the terrorist attack, which rocked the foundation of entire humanity in this universe. I know not, what these miscreants gain from such exercise, but deep in my heart I feel what ingredient makes this kind of human soul that carry out such barbaric operations. Are they not made of heart and blood? Didn't they appear from the womb of a mother?

My weeping heart also salutes to those brave souls of police force, military and NSG who did not hesitate for a single moment to invest their lives to save the hostages in Taj Hotel, Oberoi Hotel complex and Nariman House.. They did not ask any of the civilians about his caste, religion, regional background or language before rescuing.

We are triumphant in hoisting Tricolour on moon, but we are failure in ensuring the life safety of people in our own country who might have just gone out of their house for a dinner with family. We can strike nuke deals with the USA, which is thousands of miles away, but we cannot control the nuisance that is created by a country who shares same boundary with us…..How many more proof's do we require against them? Why only are we talking about friendship? Can you remember one initiative taken by the neighbourhood towards friendship with us & on the other hand our list is endless?

This argument will go endless, and still the solution seems to be beyond horizon.

I sincerely urge to all, who are near to my heart, to refrain from any kind of celebration on this weekend, and spend a quiet evening at our homes, in honour of those departed souls, who lost their lives with no fault of theirs. We shall also share the prayers of those who are fighting for life and death due to injury in this attack. We should also acknowledge the trauma that the residents of Mumbai had gone through in these hours of crisis, and join them to spend some time in solace. And last but not the least; we should condole for all of those 300+ lives which were lost in these 60 hours of most horrifying terrorist insurgency in the history of human beings existence.

This time, I feel, we all are actually working towards the betterment of a better India . The family of our martyrs, who laid their lives, have refused to take the compensation given to them by the Government. Like Late Mr. Karkare's family have refused to take the Rs. 1 Cr compensation granted to them & also by Late Mr. Salaskar's family. Also Late Mr. Unnikrishnan's father threw out the politician of their house who had gone to pay condolences to their family. Enough of Politics.

Last few words: let's start something. Something, like a non cooperation movement.. Something to show we are not taking this lying down. Something that can tell our, so called, leaders & politicians that we want our safety. Lets show them how many we are & how angry, tired & frustrated we are. We are coming together at Gateway of India on 3rd of Dec'08 @ 6 pm. Let's ask for what is our right. A right to live fearlessly. Let us devote one evening of our life to it. Its worth it. I know you will be there. Please pass this on to all the contacts you have, known or unknown.

Note: My friends who are out of Mumbai can take the ownership, lead ahead from the front & do a similar activity in their locality, region.

Let our memory not be short as it has been always.

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